Becoming Audio Course
Dr. Inge Wolsink bridges her background in psychological science and yoga and meditation to bring you the best of both worlds: western science and eastern practice in an evidence based approach to build better habits. Find more about her scientific and yoga journey on the "about" page of the website.
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Buying this course will give you:
-Online access, forever. Being a member of the becoming community gives you access to the online audio sessions, course content, questions, and future course updates.
-A download link to the Course Content Manual of the Becoming course, with additional information, important links, and ways to reach me for personal contact.
*You get: access to the online learning environment + a 'how to manual download' pdf
*Price is including tax
*Discount codes can be added at purchase
How to access the course after purchase:
- Create a login for the member page
- You can find the online learning portal for all audio courses here, or find the tab 'learn' on the website.
- Your product purchase will give you online access to the becoming audio course.
- Check your email for the download link of the course content manual in pdf.
Course summary
Every new year, we promise ourselves to do things differently, and yet most of our good intentions never make it past January. Why is that, and what can you do to make your new year's resolutions last until December? This course is created to help you change your life. Want to feel more relaxed? More focused? Healthier? Happier? More productive? Would you like to change your job, your career, or how you relate to yourself or to others? Whatever it is you wish to change, this course will help you do it.
Researchers estimate that about 70 to 80 percent of our behavior is habitual and unconsciously triggered. This means that if you do not understand how habits are formed, 70 to 80 percent of what you do on a daily basis, is outside of your awareness, and therefore beyond your control. In this course, you will learn how to analyze, understand, and influence unconscious processes and habitual behaviors. The course will allow you to control parts of your life that have previously felt outside of your control or ability, and it will help you to become the person you wish you could be.
How do we do this? With a 50/50 mix of theory and practice sessions, Inge will take you through all the steps of changing your life around, reframing your mindset, and building the habits that will lead towards the change you want. Every uneven session number, she will explain a psychological topic from a scientific perspective. For example, how habits are formed in the brain. Every even session number, you will practice with the content. For example, you will design your own habit according to the scientific theory of habit formation.
At the end of this course, you will have a multi-year visual map of who you wish to become, what you can do to become that person, and how you can do it in a fun, easy, and non-stressful way. This course is suitable for anyone who is ready to change something in their life, but feels they would benefit from a structured, evidence-based approach that will not only get them started, but will keep them going consistently, and with confidence.
Source Statement: No idea is ever created in solitude. Creativity is collaboration. The creation process of this course has been heavily influenced by the ideas, methods, and studies of other researchers and writers. If you want to learn more about the topics I discuss in this course, I highly recommend reading their work.
BJ Fogg – Tiny Habits
James Clear – Atomic Habits
Dan Ariely – Predictably Irrational
Carol Dweck – Mindset
Barbara Fredrickson – Positivity
Sally Maitlis – Who am I?
Adam Grant – Think Again