Yoga, Psychology, Science
Inge Wolsink, PhD
You are right where you need to be.
Peace or Passion?
I am hungry for data, evidence, and logic, and I analyse to the point of madness because I want to understand, create, and share knowledge. In contrast, I long to be intuitive, open, and relaxed.
I used to think that I had to choose between these two seemingly opposing states: I could either be driven and passionate, or peaceful and healthy. I found out that I was wrong. This is what peaceful passion is about
Find your balance
I discovered a balance between passion and peace, and it is my purpose to help others find it too. Imagine being driven without chronic stress, feeling challenged without overwhelming anxiety, being rational without blocking your emotions. Imagine doing what you love without losing yourself in the process.
I help people find their balance by bridging yoga and science. In practice that simply means that I combine movement, meditation, breathwork, psychology, and neuroscience to tackle the topic of health from multiple angles.
How I work >> swipe for your option
I don't believe one size fits all, and I don't believe one method fixes all. I am a generalist. I tackle problems from an integrative perspective. And, despite what you may have thought when you read the company name, I do that in a very down-to-earth way.I combine different perspectives so I can meet you where you are at. Check out your options here >>Private Coaching
Do you prefer personal guidance, planning, and connection?I have a private coaching practice in Amsterdam where we can meet face to face (online coaching is also an option).At home audio courses
Do you prefer to learn undistracted, privately, and at your own pace?Check out my 2-week at-home audio courses on habit formation and breathwork.Workshops and Courses
Do you prefer to learn with your (work) team, or in a group context?I offer small group workshops and short courses for organizations and groups that allow you to grow in community with others.Yoga Classes
Do you prefer to learn in a physical and social way?My yoga classes are an integration of psychological science, philosophy, meditation, breathwork, and movement.
Copyright Peaceful Passion 2022